SA Cup & IREC Challenges
In addition to the six categories defining the general competition, the Spaceport America Cup: Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition (IREC) may host any number of "Challenge Categories" administered by sponsoring organizations. ESRA considers a "Challenge" to be any unique technical/performance requirement levied on participating teams within the regulatory limits of the event.
ESRA will work with the sponsoring organization to ensure their Challenge requirement(s) are feasible within the limits of the event. Otherwise, Challenge sponsors are entirely responsible for administering their Challenge. They will define its judging criteria, answer participating team's questions, and may set reporting criteria beyond those defined by ESRA.
Teams will find the current list of available Challenges, including an executive summary of each and contact information for the sponsoring organization below.
ESRA will work with the sponsoring organization to ensure their Challenge requirement(s) are feasible within the limits of the event. Otherwise, Challenge sponsors are entirely responsible for administering their Challenge. They will define its judging criteria, answer participating team's questions, and may set reporting criteria beyond those defined by ESRA.
Teams will find the current list of available Challenges, including an executive summary of each and contact information for the sponsoring organization below.