Yes!! There will be another IREC in 2017. ESRA has been working with Spaceport America in New Mexico to team up and offer colleges and industry an even better opportunity to collaborate and compete. Starting next year IREC will become part of a brand new event call the Spaceport America Cup (SAC or SA Cup).
The Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition will be the main event at this year's Spaceport America Cup. There are plans to build on the SA Cup, and add not only more college level events, but events for industry and even high schools. This being our first year of hosting the SA Cup with the Spaceport America crew, we will be focusing on the IREC portion. But rest assured, there will be great new things coming in 2018 as we start to grow. For more information, visit the Spaceport America Cup Event website or the 2017 IREC page here on the ESRA website.
January 2025